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The Ultimate European Adventure - Berlin Marathon and 5 countries in 7 days

After finishing the 2018 Boston Marathon, like a lot of runners I was looking what's next and to my surprise I found everyone is talking about the World Marathon Majors. So I signed up for the lottery after the 2018 Berlin Marathon and no luck! Signed up again for lottery in 2019 and to my surprise I got the lottery to run 2020 Berlin Marathon. And we all know what happened to to races in 2020. I deferred it to 2021, then to 2022 and finally, felt comfortable to run it in 2023. Kudos to the Berlin Marathon organizers for allowing me and so many other runners to defer the races multiple times and finally be able to run it without any hiccups!

Planning the trip

Since kids are just back to school after the labor day, I decided to make a solo trip from Boston to run the 2023 Berlin Marathon. When planning the trip for 7 days, I optimized the plan for 2 things

And here was my crazy plan:

  1. Race Day -3 : Fly from Boston to Amsterdam (direct flight)

  2. Race day -2 : Take a over night sleeper train from Amsterdam to Berlin. Bought the EuroRail Pass for 7 days

  3. Race Day -1 : Race Bib pick up and tour Berlin

  4. Race Day - Put the game face on and finish the race Strong

  5. Race Day - Leave for Prague, Czechia

  6. Race Day + 1 - Tour Prague, leave for Munich in the afternoon

  7. Race Day +2 - Visit Octoberfest in Munich, leave for Thun, Switzerland

  8. Race Day + 3 - Visit top of Europe - Jungfraujoch in Switzerland, leave for Brussels, Belgium

  9. Race Day + 4 - Visit Brussels

  10. Race Day + 5 - Leave for Amsterdam and have a stop over at Antwerp, take the flight back to Boston

It was a crazy trip to even think about, let alone planning for it. At some point I was considering covering France (Lyon or Paris), then dropped it as it would have been more crazier to squeeze it in within the same time frame. When booking the trip, I was planning to use Eurorail Pass, which had a lot of flexibility to accommodate changes. In terms of hotels, all the bookings were through Marriott with cancelation option till the previous day of stay.

And this is what the actual map from Eurorail app looks like after the trip:

Pre-Race Adventures

Amsterdam: A Quick Taste of Dutch Charm

My journey began with a direct flight from Boston to Amsterdam. Despite the jet lag, I managed to squeeze in a 3-hour guided bike tour, exploring the city's highlights and hidden gems. The canals, architecture, and vibrant atmosphere left me wanting more, but Berlin was calling.

Berlin: Race Preparation and City Exploration

A night train brought me to Berlin, where I immediately headed to the expo at the historic Tempelhof Airport to pick up my race bib. With that crucial task completed, I embarked on another bike tour, this time learning about Berlin's rich and complex history.

The day before the race, I treated myself to a performance by the world-renowned Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. It was the perfect way to calm my pre-race nerves and soak in some culture.

Race Day: Berlin Marathon

The big day arrived with perfect running conditions - early 60s and partly cloudy. The atmosphere at the start line was electric, with runners from all over the world ready to tackle one of the World Marathon Majors.

.Despite my initial goal of a sub-4 hour finish, I had to adjust my expectations around mile 14. I finished in 4:18, marking my 4th World Marathon Major. The crowd support was incredible, especially the famous Mexican cheering squad that had been the talk of the running community.

Post-Race Whirlwind Tour

Prague: Czech Charm and History

With barely time to catch my breath, I hopped on a train to Prague. The next day, I explored this beautiful city on yet another bike tour, taking in sights like the famous clock tower and locations from Hollywood movies.

Munich: Oktoberfest and Bavarian Culture

From Prague, I headed to Munich, just in time for Oktoberfest. After a morning bike tour of the city, including the beautiful English Garden, I spent the afternoon enjoying the festive atmosphere and sampling some authentic Bavarian beer.


Switzerland: Top of Europe

The next leg of my journey took me to Thun, Switzerland, for a trip to Jungfraujoch - the "Top of Europe." The train ride through the Swiss Alps was breathtaking, and the views from the top were simply unforgettable. I capped off this portion with a relaxing cruise on Lake Thun.

Brussels: Belgian Delights

My final stop was Brussels, where I indulged in a walking tour of the city, sampled delicious Belgian chocolate, and tasted some of the country's famous artisanal beers. A quick side trip to Antwerp allowed me to explore the world-famous diamond district.

Reflections on an Epic Journey

This whirlwind tour was exhausting but exhilarating. From achieving a major running milestone to experiencing the diverse cultures, cuisines, and landscapes of five European countries, every moment was an adventure

While I wouldn't recommend this pace for everyone, it was an unforgettable way to combine my passion for running with my love of travel. The memories of crossing the finish line at the Brandenburg Gate, sipping beer at Oktoberfest, and standing atop the Swiss Alps will stay with me forever

If you're considering a similar adventure, my advice would be to plan meticulously, be flexible, and most importantly, savor every moment. Europe has so much to offer, and even in just a week, you can experience a lifetime of memories.

If you have ventured into similar crazy trip when doing Berlin and want to share your experience, drop a note to

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