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Running in the land of Champions

Kenya, a country in East Africa with over 55 million inhabitants and having the fastest marathon runners of the world!!!

Since August 2023 I am living, working and running in Nairobi the capital of Kenia. When I got late May 2023 my commitment and confirmation for the new job in Kenia, somehow a dream came true. I had visited Kenya once before and explored the beauty of the national parks with their impressive wildlife. And now I should live there.

And I could run and train there!'s always hot there and an underdeveloped world....

But in fact, Nairobi is a modern city with over 4 million citizens, well-educated young people and a perfect climate all year round with around + 25 degrees C +/- 5 degrees up and down. My apartment does not have any air-condition nor heating. Perfect conditions.

Already the first Look & See trip showed me that there would be some difficulties but also advantages. Nairobi lies at an altitude of 1600 m. The first run on the treadmill in the hotel brought some suffering due to the height of Nairobi. After 5 km I was completely exhausted. The next day I run a little bit slower, but it was again tough.

Getting back to Europe the advantage became visible: I ran like a rocket, and it felt quite easy. Incredible.

Now 6 months later I am still very happy although my job keeps me busy, and I am traveling a lot. But still I run regularly there. The next big race will be the marathon of Berlin in September '24. Enough time to prepare.

And running now in the height of Nairobi, I do not have any problems with it. Feels like my training in Europe.

But until now I did not see any of the big shots, i.e. Kipchoge, Kiptum or the former stars like Tergat. They are hiding in the highlands in the City of Champions, in Eldoret/Iten. I will have to travel there for a weekend to check about the secret of this country. And definitely have a run with (or behind) the champions.

So, stay tuned and my next report will follow. Wish you always fast feet.

Greetings from East Africa

Zlatko (57 years, finished 50 marathons and some ultra runs)

Nairobi Nairobi Berlin Marathon

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