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Berlin 26.2 Podcast: Episode 9

Juan Carlos Mejia - Yes, you can train for Marathons and Triathlons indoor

In this episode of Berlin 26.2 podcast, Juan Carlos Mejia with roots from Peru and based in Miami shares his running journey : How he figured out to focus only being a runner and triathlete, his World Majors journey, how he trains for marathons 95% of the time indoors in his triathlon gym along with his wife, his take on how marathon expos have evolved for 20+ years. Juan earned his 6th World Majors star in 2023 Berlin Marathon and have run ~40 marathons and now in pursuit of earning World Majors 6 stars second time. Enjoy the story!!


Show Notes

​Topics & timecodes : 

  • 0:00 Intro

  • 0:12 Background

  • 3:02 Transitioning to running

  • 4:49 Completing 6 majors with 2023 Berlin Marathon

  • 8:22 Training for Ironmans vs Marathons

  • 11:10 Building a triathlon gym

  • 13:22 95% Indoor training

  • 15:00 What do I get out of running

  • 16:18 What keeps me going after ~40 Marathon

  • 17:35 Juan’s take on Medal Monday

  • 18:52 Creating your own training plans

  • 20:00 Impact of running on other aspects of life

  • 22:15 Marathons are very good excuse to travel

  • 24:20 Support system

  • 26:26 Evolving majors marathon expos over 20+ years

  • 33:05 Favorite moments from 2023 Berlin Marathon

  • 34:18 What’s next for Juan


Kamal: Welcome to this podcast, Juan. I'm very excited to have you here and chat with you about your running journey. Juan: Thank you for having me. Kamal: Great. So let's start by learning a little bit about your background. Juan: I've done a little bit of everything. I've run my whole life. I used to play a lot of basketball, soccer, football, and squash. I had many injuries, especially hamstring injuries, so one day I decided to stop those sports and focus on running. I started with 5Ks, then half marathons, and marathons. I never stopped running after that. Now, I also do Iron Man's and marathons, but I don't play basketball, soccer, or squash anymore. Running has become a part of my life. Kamal: That's great. What do you do professionally? Juan: I'm a real estate broker in Miami. I handle everything from residential to commercial and construction. My base is in Miami, but I also have offices in Beaufort, Georgia, and New Orleans, LA. Kamal: That sounds interesting. How do you balance your professional life with your running? Juan: Being a real estate broker allows me to manage my own time. My wife, who is also a runner and triathlete, is my biggest support. She helps me hit my goals, and we both support each other. We don't drink much, but when we do, we enjoy it. We love to travel, and marathons are a great excuse to do so. Our lifestyle hasn't changed much; we just have to manage our time carefully. Kamal: How does running impact other aspects of your life? Juan: The adrenaline, the push, and knowing my body are exciting. Always having a race to look forward to keeps me motivated. Running helps me maintain my discipline and manage stress. It's also a great way to travel and see new places. Kamal: You've run many marathons and even Iron Man's. How do you train for these events? Juan: Training for an Ironman is easier for me because it involves varied training. I swim, bike, and run, which keeps things interesting. For marathons, I start from a base and build up gradually. My training plans are always evolving. The discipline from training carries over into my professional life, helping me stay organized and focused. Kamal: What are your future running goals? Juan: Right now, I'm focused on the New York Marathon. After that, I'll take a break during the holidays and start training for the London Marathon in mid-January. I'm also considering doing another full Iron Man in Spain next summer. Chicago is definitely on my list for next year as well. Kamal: That's a packed schedule! What's your favorite marathon experience so far? Juan: The start of the Berlin Marathon was very exciting. Passing through the gate near the finish line was a powerful moment. The atmosphere and the people made it unforgettable. I've signed up for the lottery again for next year. Kamal: It's been great chatting with you, Juan. Best of luck with your upcoming races and professional endeavors. Juan: Thank you. It's been a pleasure.

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