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Berlin 26.2 Podcast: Episode 3

Jessica Leila - Getting Rhabdo from a Crossfit Murph workout to long distance running

In this episode of Berlin 26.2 podcast, Jessica Leila from sunny California shares her running journey- How she pivoted from cross-fit to long distance running after getting Rhabdomyolysis from a Crossfit Murph workout and now chasing World Marathon Majors. 2023 Berlin Marathon will be her first major. Enjoy the story!


Show Notes

​Topics & timecodes : 

  • 0:00 Intro

  • 1:31 Caving and Canyoneering

  • 3:38 We gotta run the miles

  • 4:16 I am gonna run a half marathon

  • 5:10 Got obsessed with CrossFit

  • 6:13 Doing Cross-fit Murph

  • 7:25 I have got Rhabdo

  • 9:00 Pivoting to Marathon from Cross-fit

  • 10:44 Starting to chase world majors

  • 15:38 Support system

  • 20:11 A tool to solve problems

  • 21:48 Training in California summer

  • 23:42 Testing if I forgot to bike


KAMAL DATTA: Hi Jessica, welcome to the podcast. I'm glad to have you here. JESSICA LEILA: Thanks, thanks so much for having me, I appreciate it. KAMAL DATTA: How is your day going so far? JESSICA LEILA: My day is pretty good. I'm trying to get more things planned for Germany because I'm actually not just going to Berlin, I planned this whole big two and a half week thing around it. So now it's an event, so now I have all this planning and scheduling to do. Yeah, the rest of the boxes, you know? Yeah, it takes a lot of special international traits, you know, when you're running and sometimes planning to go, figuring out the best out of it. It takes a lot of planning, for sure. KAMAL DATTA: Is this your first international marathon, or have you been there? JESSICA LEILA: Yeah, it's actually my second. So, I ran the Cape Town marathon in South Africa last October, and that was my first international marathon. KAMAL DATTA: Oh, great. And it looks like it would be your first major World Major? JESSICA LEILA: Yes, yes, my first major. I'm really excited about that. Nice, nice. Alright, we'll talk a lot about the marathon and Berlin coming up, but let's start with a little bit about your background, Jessica. JESSICA LEILA: Yeah, sure. So, hmm, what to say about me? I guess one of the most interesting things that I do, other than running, is caving and canyoneering. Fun is caving and canyoneering. I don't know how familiar you are with that, but basically, I tell people I spend a lot of time underground. I've been doing that for the last nine years. So, I'll either be on the weekends, if I'm not training for a marathon or some other type of running event, I will be probably underground doing caving, or I'll be in a canyon doing cliff jumps and repels and all this crazy stuff. So, I like to do that. I have been doing activity of some sort my whole life. Like, I've been skiing since I was two years old. My dad always says, "She could ski before she could run," because I was so little. Not that I was doing amazing as a two-year-old on the slope, but you know. It's something. So, I've done that my whole life. I did all these different sports, basketball, fencing, I did fencing for a really long time because I was obsessed with Pirates of the Caribbean, so I thought I could be some swashbuckler or something. That was fun. Tennis, all that type of stuff. Only really got into running longer distances in my early 20s, and now I'm in my early 30s. So, I would do half marathons and stuff in my 20s, and then I finally made the jump to full marathons a couple of years ago. KAMAL DATTA: Nice, exciting. So, you are exploring above the ground, below the ground, in the water. That's great. You're covering above and below the ground, it seems. That's awesome. JESSICA LEILA: Yeah, I want to get miles in all over the place—above ground, below ground, in the water, everywhere. KAMAL DATTA: That's great. How did you actually get into running, especially, how did you pick up? You said a couple of years ago you got into running, and then, the last couple of years, you got into long-distance running. How did the journey look? Something inspired you? JESSICA LEILA: Yeah. I really always liked running, and I could never understand the hatred for it when I was a kid. When you're a child in PE, people go, "Well, we've got to run the miles today." It's really, at the time, you think, "Oh my gosh, it's so far." But I always enjoyed it because I was competitive with myself. I think it just comes from my sports and athletic background in general. I'd always be like, "Okay, I'm going to beat my time. How am I going to do it?" I didn't know anything about running at the time. I wasn't in track. I would have been too cross-country, I'm not sure why. I guess I was just too busy with whatever other sports I wanted to do. But I've always liked it. So, then I would do running here and there just to keep up fitness stuff in college. I remember I think I was 20 or something at the time, and my friend said, "I'm going to run a half marathon tomorrow," and I said, "Well, so am I." And then, "Oh, what?" I said, "Yeah, I'm down. Let's go and do it." At the time, I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't train at all, which is a bad idea. But we did it. We did a little 10k loop like three times, because that's how far we could run at the time, and then we finished. I was like, "Oh, okay, cool." It was in Baltimore. So, it was a pretty good race, pretty good time. So, I thought, "Okay, that was fun. That was a fun thing to do." But I always wanted to do more. It just never really happened. Life got in the way with all these other things I wanted to do. Then I think, really, in my early 30s, I thought, "Okay, I need a new challenge. What do I want to do?" I've always wanted to do a marathon, and I just thought, "You know what? I'm going to go and do it." I signed up for one and I did it. I think that was 2019, maybe? 2018. Yeah, 2018. It was my first one, and I've just been running them ever since. KAMAL DATTA: That's awesome. I mean, you just decided one day, "I'm going to run a marathon," and you went for it. That's amazing. JESSICA LEILA: Yeah, pretty much. Well, that's how I like to do things. You don't know until you try, right? KAMAL DATTA: Exactly. Sometimes, it's the best way to do it. You don't overthink it, and you just go for it. JESSICA LEILA: Yeah, you can plan forever, but until you actually start doing something, you don't know what's going to happen. KAMAL DATTA: That's true. That's true. It's also exciting. It keeps you motivated. You've done marathons, but this time it's going to be Berlin, one of the World Majors. What inspired you to take that step and run Berlin? JESSICA LEILA: I think just wanting to see what that atmosphere is like. I've heard so many great things about it. I heard that it's a really fast course. And I mean, you know how it is when you do something the first time, you want to do it as big as you can. So, why not start with one of the major marathons in the world, right? So, I thought, "Okay, I'm going to do Berlin." I was a bit late in the game to get into New York, and I thought about doing that one, but I said, "You know what? I'm just going to go for Berlin." I think it was a little easier to get into. Well, you still have to get in via the lottery or the ballot, but I thought it would be a good first major, and I can do a lot more traveling around it, which is really what I want to do. I like to go to new places, see new things, and experience new cultures. So, it's just a good excuse to do all those things. And then I'm meeting a friend out there as well. She's going to run it with me, but she's doing the 10k, not the marathon. I have some family out there as well. So, it'll be cool to see them. I've got a little crew of people that I'll meet up with out there. KAMAL DATTA: That's great. It's not just about the marathon, but also the whole experience of going to a new place, meeting people, experiencing the culture, and all of that. That's fantastic. JESSICA LEILA: Yeah, definitely. I mean, I think, especially when you're doing something like this, you should definitely take advantage of the location you're in. I did the same thing in South Africa. I said, "You know what? I'm here for the marathon, but I'm going to go on a safari, I'm going to go see some wildlife. I'm going to go swim with some sharks." I like to make the most out of it, and that's really why I'm doing these things, to experience life and do as much as I can. KAMAL DATTA: Absolutely, that's the way to do it. Tell us a bit about your training leading up to Berlin. What does your training look like? JESSICA LEILA: Yeah, so I guess my training probably started early this year, maybe February or so. I like to do four to five months. I like to give myself a little extra time because I always have so much going on. I don't want to feel too stressed out about it. I don't want to feel like I'm cramming all my training in. So, I usually have a pretty relaxed schedule, I would say. I mean, I still have a plan. I run three days a week, and I do cross-training, usually one day a week, sometimes two. That includes caving and canyoneering, and then I do a long run on the weekend. So, yeah, I try not to put too much pressure on myself. I'm not trying to break any records. I'm just trying to finish and enjoy it. So, I'm not doing any crazy mileage or anything. I like to keep it fun, too, and mix it up. Sometimes, I'll do hill sprints, sometimes I'll do intervals. I like to keep it fresh and exciting because it can get really boring if you're just running the same thing over and over again. So, yeah, I like to mix it up and keep it interesting. KAMAL DATTA: That's great. It sounds like a balanced approach. You're not overloading yourself, but you're also keeping it fun and enjoyable. JESSICA LEILA: Yeah, I think that's important, especially with something like this. I mean, I know people that do the crazy mileage, and they're really competitive, and that's cool. But that's not really my thing. I'm just doing it because I enjoy it, and I want to keep enjoying it. I don't want to make it feel like a chore or a job, because then it's just not fun anymore. KAMAL DATTA: Absolutely. You want to maintain that love for running and make sure it stays a passion. JESSICA LEILA: Yeah, definitely. KAMAL DATTA: Let's talk a bit about Berlin itself. It's known for being a fast course. Have you done any specific preparations for this particular course? JESSICA LEILA: Yeah, definitely. So, I'm doing a lot more road running in general than I usually do. I'm usually on the trails. I prefer that. But obviously, Berlin is a road race, so I'm trying to get in as much road running as I can. And I'm doing some more intervals and speed work because it is a fast course. I want to see if I can push myself a little bit, but not go too crazy. So, I'm trying to get a balance there. And I'm also really working on my nutrition, which I think is super important. I'm trying different things and seeing what works for me. You know, trying out different gels and different foods to eat during the race and also leading up to it. I think that's super important because you don't want to get to the race day and try something new that doesn't agree with your stomach. So, yeah, just a lot of little things like that. And then just mentally preparing myself for a road race because it is a different experience from the trail races that I'm used to. KAMAL DATTA: Absolutely. The nutrition aspect is crucial, especially in a marathon. You don't want any surprises on race day. JESSICA LEILA: Yeah, exactly. I've heard horror stories of people trying something new on race day and then having to run with stomach cramps or other issues. So, I definitely don't want that to happen. KAMAL DATTA: Absolutely. So, talking about race day, what's your race day strategy going to be like for Berlin? JESSICA LEILA: Yeah, so I'm definitely not going to go out too fast. I've heard that's a big mistake that a lot of people make in marathons. They get really excited, and they just go out too fast, and then they hit a wall later on. So, I'm definitely going to start off slower and just see how I feel. I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself for a specific time. I have a rough goal in mind, but I'm not going to stress about it too much. I'm just going to try to enjoy the experience, take in the sights, and just go with the flow. I think that's really my strategy. And just keep a positive attitude throughout the race because I think that can make a big difference. KAMAL DATTA: Absolutely. The mental aspect is so crucial in a marathon, especially when you get into those later miles. JESSICA LEILA: Yeah, definitely. I've heard that's when it can get really tough. So, just staying positive and staying focused is key. KAMAL DATTA: Absolutely. So, as we wrap up, do you have any advice for someone who might be considering running their first marathon or even their first major marathon like Berlin? JESSICA LEILA: Yeah, I would say go for it. Don't be intimidated by it. I think a lot of people, when they think of a marathon, they think it's this crazy, impossible thing. But really, it's just a matter of building up your training, staying consistent, and believing in yourself. I think that's the biggest thing. Just believe that you can do it, and you will do it. And don't be afraid to ask for help or seek advice from experienced runners. I think the running community is really welcoming and supportive, and there's so much information out there. So, just take advantage of all the resources that are available to you, and go for it. It's an amazing experience, and you won't regret it. KAMAL DATTA: That's great advice. Belief in oneself and seeking support from the running community can make a huge difference. JESSICA LEILA: Absolutely. KAMAL DATTA: Well, Jessica, thank you so much for sharing your journey and your insights into preparing for the Berlin Marathon. We wish you the best of luck in your race. JESSICA LEILA: Thank you so much. I appreciate it. KAMAL DATTA: You're welcome. Have a fantastic time in Berlin, and enjoy the whole experience. JESSICA LEILA: Thank you. I will. KAMAL DATTA: Take care. JESSICA LEILA: You too. Bye. KAMAL DATTA: Bye. Note: This summarized transcript is generated by Gen AI from the raw transcript

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